

Reliable - Quality - Trusted

Economasters, LLC. is a trusted company that fabricates quality pressure vessels to provide lasting equipment for engineering companies' customers and end-users. Our team takes pride in having some of the best ASME code welders, pipe fitters, quality control personnel in the country.


Let us Help You

Based in Tulsa, OK, our company is located near leading finned tube manufacturing companies that help us reduce the material transportation charges.  A 62,000-square-foot facility with ample space for all your manufacturing needs. Our plant has 5 large bays, a large external building for piping and headers, and 12 overhead cranes with a 5-and-a-half-acre lay-down yard.

Get in Touch With Us

With more than 32 years of experience in the industry, we are more than qualified to help you with your manufacturing needs. Reach out to us.  We are here to help with your needs.